Monday, November 28, 2011


maine in the summer has lots of sunshine.  
 now it's almost winter, and we're (in ohio and the northern states) getting a lot less vitamin d.  i learned about how important it is to get "full spectrum light" from this wonderful health blog.  see what you think, and let's all spend some time in the fresh air this week.  it's raining and raining here, so we had indoor recess.  did you get outside today?


  1. Noreen, we had rain on the weekend! Almost enough to fill our water tanks! But I hope your rain eases soon. Happy puddle jumping until it does xxx

  2. Our few minutes of sun for the day have already faded, but it's been SO warm here all fall that it's been hard to feel, well fall-like. Stormy all afternoon from here on out. Stay safe, and sane with those little ones inside!

  3. I checked out the blog, and it is lovely! I like the simple goal of getting outside for 1 hour a day. (Although, sometimes I feel so busy that going outside only consists of in and out to the grocery, a sports drop off or a kid's appointment). I DO feel so reinvigorated, so human, when I spend time outside, though.... it's worth making a goal.

    As for weather reports, it's cloudy and mild here - I have my calendar marked that there should be sun on Thursday! :)

  4. What a great site. Thanks for sharing. Have to spend some more time there. We've been spending a lot of time outdoors the last couple of days ;) It definitely is good for the soul, and mind.

  5. Where were you in Maine? I live in Maine! It's pretty in the summer... Cold in the winter though. If you are ever here again, let me know. We could have an impromptu BYW meet-up :-) That would be fun!
