Thursday, December 29, 2011

touch of ireland b&b

i highly recommend the touch of ireland guest house in new haven, ct.  
it's charming,
and within walking distance of a really beautiful park.  

the welcome is warm, and the breakfast, delicious.  joy to you!


  1. Thanks Noreen. We hope to see you again soon. You and your family are the best. A Happy & Healthy 2012 to all of you. Tell your parents we said hello !!

  2. Noreen I just love your photography! I know I keep saying that but you really do see the world as a beautiful place. You are so kind to capture and share your vision!

  3. Ah, that looks nice. I've never stayed at a B&B before, but maybe when we go to Europe (eventually) we will!

  4. Looks delightful Noreen. Margie

  5. i feel like i am there with you. it's a lovely gift that you have x

  6. I loooove the top photo, so beautiful!
