Monday, March 12, 2012

urban wall art and other things

15.5 miles on saturday.  it took 3 hours to run/walk.  joy.  crazy?


  1. no way! that's is so inspiring. good for you! Teri

  2. Great murals! Street art is so fascinating...

  3. Really wonderful murals. Crazy as it sounds, that run sounds really good to me right now. I'm missing the endorphin rush. Go, Noreen!

  4. Good for you! If I didn't have this headache that's been lingering for over 12 hours, I'd be out moving my body right now. Maybe not for 15 miles, but still.

  5. Wow, well done! Looks like a perfect day for a long run. And that wall art is really cool!

  6. i just googled miles to kilometers conversion, you ran 24.94 kms.... oh my honey, that is awesome. i love the murals, it feels like spring is rising up xxx
    Oh, of course you can ask me any Australian based questions.... though i am not an 'expert', but i'll do my best!
