Monday, December 3, 2012

gift idea - from grandma

i've known my grandmother all my life, and she's taken me to lots of interesting places.

so begins this lovely tale by lois wyse and her granddaughter, molly goldman.  told in the first person, it starts when the child goes on a field trip to a natural history museum.  he or she (in the delightful illustrations by marie-louise gay, it could be a boy or a girl) tells the grandma that his/her favorite dinosaur is the tyrannosaurus rex, and asks what grandma's favorite dinosaur is.

i don't remember ever seeing a dinosaur up close.

she's never been to a museum of natural history!  so an intergenerational outing is planned.  

the child tells the grandma that they will be doing lots of walking, so she needs to wear comfortable shoes.

and so it goes.  a charming tale.  our copy, given years ago to our children by a well-loved grandma, is dog-eared.  the love note inside makes it more precious still.

highly recommended for any grandparent looking for a gift for a child under 13.

joy to you!


  1. What a charming book..the Grandparent/Grandchild relationship is so special. I love the way the child tells the Grandparent to wear comfortable shoes as they'll be doing alot of walking, so sweet.

  2. That does sound like a charming book. Happy you gave us just enough the pique are interest. I will pass on this recommendation to my kid's grandparents. Thanks, Noreen!

  3. It sounds like a wonderful book! I love the recommendations you give.
    Have you heard of the author Sally Rippin? She writes kids books. Miss S is starting her own Billie.B.Brown (which is the name of the series of books) book club . I love it. xx

  4. What a lovely book! Lois Wyse...why do I know that name? What else has she written? I know you'll know! ;)


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