Saturday, May 5, 2012

the evening before

 pasta the evening before a marathon is a tradition.  we went to a charming mass, blessing of runners, and spaghetti dinner.  i need all possible blessings.  

  26.2.  oink oink.  flying is out of the question, but  
having lots of fun and a porky goal achieved?  we'll see.  
joy to you!


  1. Oh my, marathon Sunday for you. Hope you enjoy it!

    Quirky pig cupcake :-)

    I'm going to take your advice and turn off the computer and go DO something about my living room. I just had to take a tour and say hello to my blogfriends first...

    Love Maria

  2. A good, hearty dinner before a big race is a definite mandate. Did I ever tell you about the time my husband convinced me to sign up for a half marathon the day before the race. We didn't eat a hearty dinner or breakfast. What was I thinking?! I have no idea. ;) Oh, I did make it to mile 13 on sheer adrenaline. The adrenaline rush you get from the crowd is amazing, right?


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