Thursday, July 5, 2012

casual friday - may the 4th be with you

 do you have a star wars fan in your house?  we do.
 he could name all these characters.
 darth vader is running and carrying a bag.  hmm.  what's he up to?
i understand that yoda is small, wise, and speaks in a funny way.  
this yoda is also very cute - and hot.  it was over 90 degrees.  time for some jedi-juice?
happy friday!


  1. My son is a HUGE Star Wars fan. He would have loved that parade. Shh, don't tell him there is such a thing as Jedi juice. ;)

  2. My son is also a Star Wars fan...He'd love this parade!!! May the 4th also be with you!!

  3. yes, my boy is a HUGE star wars fan! boy they must have been so hot! happy weekend N xx


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